Mega Man Fanon Wiki
Sheen Torrence
トレンスシーン {{{romanji}}}
Season Technoliner
Age 15
Gender Male
Eye Color Green
Hair Color Green
First Appearance Movie
Alter Ego Crash Man
Theme Color Orange
Main Weapon Crash Bomber

Sheen is one of the main characters of Technoliners.


"Uugh, I wish I had hands..."
―Sheen, Technoliner

Sheen's Past[]

Sheen has his arms cut off when he saw a masked burglar, causing him to bleed severly. He is rushed to the hospital, then his arms are thrown away. He has an inability to use objects without hands.

Crash Man[]

Crash Man (Pop'n Music Form)

Crash Man is the alter ego of Sheen.


Sheen- The word was meant as a soft luster on the surface or to shine softly.
